Sunday, September 26, 2010

the 911 call

nobody is quite sure what city this incident happened in except for those who experienced this paranormal event. there's a city in missouri. a man had just been recruited to the police department. this man, "charlie", was hired to investigate a double homicide. a man, "matt,"and a woman, "lillianne," were planning on divorcing. "matt" didn't want to divorce. so he followed his soon to be ex-wife as she pulled off with her new boyfriend, "ryan." as the couple pulled into an abandoned parking lot, so did "matt." he approached the car and killed the couple with a shotgun. "ryan" died instantly. "lillianne" called 911. the call went a little like this:

operator: 911, what's your emergency?
"lillianne": help me. i've been shot.
operator: what is your location?
"lillianne": i'm in my car. please help me.
operator: i'll send you some help. you just need to tell me where you are.
"lillianne": i don't know. it's all dark. i can't see. please help me.
operator: what is your name?

that is where the call ended. "lillianne" was gone. that night, police went to search for her and "ryan." they were no where to be found. at this time the following year, they tried again. they could not find the couple. they were starting to think a relative had called. so they played the tape for "Lillianne's" mother. she said it was definitely "Lillianne." the problem was, this wasn't a real call. no number had been registered into the 911 operating system. still, the police are searching. every Christmas Eve, a few detectives, somebody from the phone company, and a 911 dispatcher stay behind to work. at 7:06 p.m., the tapes activate and the call replays. everybody leaves the building with goose bumps they cannot describe.

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