Friday, October 1, 2010


i luv october. at school, october is national breast cancer month as well as national hall sweep month. those things i hate. but i luv october because it is officially autumn and autumn is my favorite season. also, it gets dark quicker and halloween is at the end of the month. im going trick or treating. i know its kinda stupid 4 a ninth grader 2 go trick or treating, but im gonna. see, i was gonna go last year, and last year was gonna b my final year 2 trick or treat, but i got grounded bcuz i failed french. so im making up 4 it this year. imma b kurt cobain. imma have 2 ask my mom if we can get my costume sometime soon. i need a blonde wig, a special shirt, a special sweater, and some black converses. so thats all i need. i already have the ripped up jeans, so im good there.